Tokyo Speed

Used Parts From Japan

We can also assist you with finding JDM OE parts if you need them for the damaged cars you decide to buy from us. Once these parts are purchased - we can put them into your car so you don't have to pay shipping for these parts and will receive them together with the car! Japan Partner is one of the few companies, which offer this kind of service.

Used JDM Parts Sold in Bulk

Together with our reliable partners we were assisting numerous companies around the world with their ever-increasing demand for the used auto parts for Japanese vehicles which are usually ordered either in 40ft or 20 ft containers. We can assist you in the following two ways:

  1. According to your model list we can prepare and dismantle with our experienced professional staff used spare auto parts for either 20ft or 40 ft container. In addition to dismantling we will also load the used parts into container and arrange the shipment so you don't have to worry about making any of the arrangements. Once the payment is settled the documents will be promptly sent to you. Please let our sales manager know if you have any questions about the above-mentioned way of ordering parts.
  2. You can send your team (usually 2 persons) to our equipped for dismantling yard so they could inspect and dismantle when necessary the cars on their own and assure the quality level you are satisfied with. We can assist your staff with necessary VISA support and will provide place to live during their stay. Please let our sales manager know if you have any questions about the above-mentioned way of ordering parts.

If you would like to receive our pricing please send an email to our sales manager at with the details regarding the maker, model and production year of the models you are interested to but parts for. Please note that you should have enough cars/models for either 20ft or 40ft containers. The minimum quantity would be 15 engines + other parts for 20ft container and 20 engines + other parts for 40ft container.

Thank you and we look forward doing business with you!

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